Bell and Telus will start offering the iPhone beginning next month. Sounds too good to be true? Yeah, we're with you, but this is what’s grabbing most of the headlines thanks to an article posted by The Globe and Mail.


According to the news item, sources "familiar with the matter" have confirmed that the iPhone will officially be announced by the two carriers within the week, Tuesday being the earliest possible date. The iPhone will then be made available to the public once their HSPA networks have been rolled out. Given that Bell has already gone on record announcing that they're ready to rock Canada HSPA-style starting next month, November could be the month we'd see it offered up by Bell. Telus, for their part, hasn’t announced how they’re progressing with their HSPA transition, but we’re assuming that they won’t lag that far behind from Bell and will also announce theirs next month as well. A previous report already talked about the possibility of the iPhone 3G S debuting on Telus this month. So this latest bit of news serves to support the idea of Telus offering up the iPhone sometime soon.

Of course, it’s easy to speculate on such a scenario especially if all the pieces seem to fit together. Be that as it may, it should be noted though that neither Telus, Bell nor Apple have yet to confirmed this report which, in all honesty, isn’t at all surprising. The good thing here is that we’re well into the month of October and November isn’t that far away. If this report proves true, it’ll only be a matter of weeks before we get the juicy details of the iPhone finally breaking free of its exclusivity on Rogers.

UPDATE: This has just been confirmed by both carriers. You can read more about it here.