If you’re looking for more details regarding T-Mobile’s Android phone line-up for this year, then this leaked document courtesy of TmoToday might be the one you’ve been searching for.


We’re still not sure if this is legit or not, but if true, we might see two other Android phone debuting this year apart from the T-Mobile G2/myTouch 3G. The T-Mobile G1 v0.2 (Bigfoot) is scheduled to be released in the fall alongside the Samsung Houdini. It doesn’t state who will be making the G1v0.2, but we’re guessing this will still be from HTC. The price of the Samsung Houdini and G1v0.2 was blocked out, but it does reveal that the G2 will retail for $179 once it’s released this summer.

Granted that this isn’t just a total fake, we will be seeing a number of Android phones debuting this year from T-Mobile alone. With the Samsung i7500 and Motorola Calgary also expected to hit the market sometime this year as well, 2009 might finally be the breakout year for the Android platform.
