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How to delete all data of a person from the Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro?

I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro Keyboard.
I deleted all SMSs of a person from the inbox; I also deleted that person form the address book (i.e. Name, phone no. and everything!). So I expected all data of that person is removed and nothing remains. But now when I add that person’s phone no. in the address book, it appears one SMS of that person in the address book (in page 3). It means that the mobile still keeps data from that person.
My second problem is that I can’t delete that SMS, because it can’t be deleted from address book (page 3), and the inbox also doesn’t show that SMS.
Please help me: How I can delete all things about that person from the memory?

  • Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini ProSony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro

I suggest you contact Sony to get technical assistance for your device.

Thank you Grindale
When I add a new contact (with that person’s number), I can view my communication with that contact. To do this, I go to home screen, go to contacts, browse that person in contacts, and flick left (two times) and now I can view SMSs.
As I mentioned I deleted all SMSs from inbox. So it supposed nothing to be seen in contacts (when I view my communication with that contact). But it shows one SMS! My second problem is that I can’t delete that SMS in contacts. The SMS also doesn’t appear in inbox!
How is this possible?
This may show although I deleted SMSs, my Xperia keeps data in memory!
How can I delete all SMSs completely? And how can I feel sure with that?

You mentioned seeing a text message from that person in your address book. How did that happen? Text messages can only be viewed through your inbox. If you can please provide more details so we can help. Thanks!

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