It appears that Nokia USA wants to make the most of the hype surrounding the recently announced N900 Maemo 5-powered QWERTY touchscreen slider phone as they’ve now put it up for pre-order on their site.

Nokia N900 pre-order in the US

Interested? Well, then be prepared to cough up some serious dough as the N900 has clearly taken over the top spot as far as pricing is concerned with a retail price of $649. If you think that's expensive, it’s actually still $50 cheaper than the Nokia N97 when it first debuted in the US. With a processor similar to that of the iPhone 3G S and Palm Pre at its core, a massive 32GB of storage, and a full web browser with full Adobe Flash 9.4 support, you'll certainly be getting your money's worth with this one. Be that as it may, we still can’t help but cringe at the sight of any phone being priced well above the $600 mark. Read more about here.

Anyway, if money is not an issue for you, then by all means, go ahead and pre-order your feature-packed N900 right now. However, of its really way out of your budget, you could always go for another brand or model, but if you're patient enough, we're pretty sure that after a couple of months have gone by its price will go down to a more affordable level.
