If you’re looking to take advantage of Rogers’ Hardware Upgrade Program because you’ve already hit the one year mark, you better avail of it fast as this leaked internal memo reveals a new policy will go into effect come August 21.


From the regular 12 month minimum period, the new policy extends this another 12 more months making 24 months the new minimum tenure that subscribers need to attain for them to be eligible for the Hardware Upgrade Program. What’s their reason for this policy change? According to Rogers, lengthening the period in which subscribers can avail of the HUP will allow them to offer up “the most advanced devices for the best value.” They further go on to say that since quality of the mobile phones have improved over the years resulting in a longer lifespan, it isn’t actually necessary to upgrade ever year.

Below is the full copy of the memo:


Policy change to Hardware Upgrade Program eligibility

(applies to non BPR/MSD customers)

The Hardware Upgrade Program will now provide a consistent minimum eligibility rule for all customers and eliminate the 3-5 day wait time between a data to data HUP cancellation and the processing of the new HUP.

Effective August 21, 2009, a minimum tenure of 24 months since initial activation or last upgrade will be required before a customer is eligible to participate in the hardware upgrade program. This change aligns all upgrades (voice, voice to data and data to data) with the current data to data HUP policy.

This change also reinforces the importance of explaining to customers that HUP eligibility and quoted hardware/plan pricing are subject to change without notice and cannot be guaranteed beyond the time of quotation.

Update to HUP eligibility:

The updated HUP eligibility rule of 24 months minimum tenure since a customer’s last upgrade or activation date will be system enforced and no exceptions will be allowed. All other standard HUP eligibility rules still apply.

Reasons for the update to the HUP:

* Rogers Wireless heavily invests in providing the latest data devices at affordable prices to our data customers. This update to the Hardware Upgrade Program is designed to offer a consistent upgrade eligibility to an outstanding selection of the most advanced devices for the best value.
* In addition to the outstanding selection of available devices, there has also been improved level of quality and technology that has gone into the line-up over the past years allowing a longer hardware lifespan.

Customer impacts:

Please always check the customer’s account in Vision21 for HUP eligibility to ensure the customer is provided with correct eligibility information.

* Customers may have been eligible and now eligibility may have changed as a result of this update.
* Customers may have been aware of their eligibility prior to the update, but did not take advantage of the program at the time and are currently not eligible as a result of the update.


* HUP eligibility as well as quoted hardware/plan pricing are subject to change without notice and cannot be guaranteed beyond the time of quotation.
* Rogers Wireless sells devices at a significantly lower price than the true value/cost of the device. This update to the Hardware Upgrade Program allows us to continue to offer the best devices at the best value in a fair timeframe for all of our customers.

Please note that the information in this bulletin applies to the standard HUP program, and does not take into consideration any existing promotions that may require different eligibility. Always remember to consult the Sales Central bulletins to read the latest in HUP offers.

Thank you for your continued support.

While we understand where Rogers is coming from, it’s hard to put a twist on this and make it seem advantageous to the consumer because it simply isn’t. Unless, of course, you just want a measure to curb your impulsive tendencies to buy a new phone every year, then this definitely suits you well, but if not, you'll probably frown on this new policy change along with the other Rogers subscribers in Canada.

Anyway, this is just be my opinion on the whole situation so let's hear from you guys this time around. What's your take on Rogers' Hardware Upgrade Program policy change?
