While everybody's still waiting and guessing when RIM's first touchscreen phone will become available, there's some certainty as far as the BlackBerry Storm is concerned in Canada. Telus has confirmed that it will offer the full-touchscreen phone as part of their line-up, with Bell and Rogers as the other possible candidates. In the US, Verizon Wireless is exclusive carrier of the BlackBerry Storm. Telus has already released a press release but the release date and price is yet to be known though they've hinted that it will make it in time for the holidays.

Well, at least we now know who to keep tabs on Canada for the release of the BlackBerry Storm. Hopefully, when Rogers and Bell make their respective announcements, prices and release dates will be included. If you want to stay informed on the latest updates and when it does get released, you can sign up at Telus' BlackBerry Storm page to be part of their mailing list.
