Those who are still not content with the numerous apps available in the App Store will be happy to know that Pwnage Tool 2.0.3 is now available to happily jailbreak firmware update 2.0.2. Aside from supporting firmware 2.0.2 5C1, it also comes with an updated version of (beta 6). Unfortunately, this version is still limited to Macs only.

It’s a good thing though that the latest beta version (150) of QuickPwn for Windows is already out as well. This latest iteration already comes with a GUI. This time around, it’s the Mac boys’ turn to wait for a version that’s compatible with their OS.

These are all still beta versions so do exercise caution. While they may have been updated already to address found bugs and errors, they’re still not perfect and they’re definitely not sanctioned by Apple. Personally, I'm already quite satisfied with the ones available in the App Store, but I guess there are still those who prefer to have the best of both worlds.
