How is the T-Mobile HTC G1 Android phone doing so far? Well, based on reservations made since its announcement, I’d say things are looking pretty good for the pioneering device from Google and HTC. Here’s an official statement from T-Mobile for those wishing to still to place their orders for the G1:

Given the great anticipation and the heavy pre-sale demand for the T-Mobile G1 with Google, we nearly tripled the number of phones initially available for delivery on our Oct. 22 launch date, and have sold through them all. However, to accommodate additional T-Mobile customers who want to pre-order a device, they now have the opportunity to place a pre-order through Oct. 21, for delivery at a later date.

Also, people can still pre-register on the T-Mobile G1 Web site to be notified prior to launch where they can purchase the device beginning Oct. 22. Details are available on the T-Mobile G1 Web site,

I guess for now we can actually consider the G1 a success, but for it to be considered a real threat to the iPhone and a force to be reckoned with in the mobile phone industry, time will ultimately be the judge of that. For now, this is a good sign for the Open Handset Alliance and those who wish to get an Android phone as others, such as Samsung, LG and Motorola ,gear up with their own Android phones for 2009.
