cellphones cause hive abandonment

Some scientists have come to the conclusion that radiation from mobile phones are causing some harvests to fail and will eventually cause food shortages. The direct cause of crops failing are beehives being abandoned by its inhabitants. They say that bees are getting a lot of interference from cellphone signals and will not be as keen in finding their way back to their hives. The phenomenon is called CCD (colony collapse disorder), an event in the bee world wherein entire colonies abandon hives leaving only the queen, her eggs and non-flying immature bees. This phenomenon has affected 60 per cent of West Coast commercial bee population and an even higher 70 per cent on the East Coast. CCD has even spread to Europe. Last week, one of London's largest bee keepers have has reported that over 50% of his hives have been abandoned.

Scientists have found increasing evidence that cellphones have to do with these abandoned hives but they have yet to come out with scientific proof.

Read more about it at The Independent.