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What are the 714 numbers that called me on my MetroPCS phone?

here is an example of my call detail, metro has never been able to answer this question for me, and i realize it is from 2010:

there are regular incoming calls, and calls made to vm, but starting in the middle of Oct month, there are calls made to area code 714, all different numbers, that ring like a fax or maybe pay phone. they are at the same time and duration as the preceededing incoming call, like a vm:

Oct-23-201010:10 0:01:26 7144990326 Outgoing **

Oct-23-201010:10 0:01:26 7144990326 Outgoing **

Oct-23-201010:10 0:01:23 9512512102 Incoming **

Oct-23-201016:20 0:00:26 9512512102 Incoming

Oct-23-201016:20 0:00:46 9512512102 Incoming

Oct-23-201016:24 0:00:26 9512512102 Incoming

Oct-23-201016:25 0:02:35 9512512102 Incoming

Oct-23-201016:52 0:00:26 9512512102 Incoming

Oct-23-201016:52 0:00:17 9512512102 Incoming

Oct-23-201017:18 0:01:31 9512512102 Outgoing vm

Oct-23-201017:18 0:01:28 9512512102 Incoming vm

Oct-23-201017:52 0:00:18 9094869566 Outgoing

Oct-23-201019:25 0:00:49 9512591732 Outgoing

Oct-23-201019:31 0:00:40 9512591732 Outgoing

Oct-23-201019:33 0:00:43 9512591732 Outgoing

Oct-23-201019:47 0:00:36 9094869566 Outgoing

Oct-23-201019:48 0:00:45 9094869566 Outgoing

Oct-23-201020:00 0:00:28 7144990439 Outgoing **

Oct-23-201020:00 0:00:28 7144990439 Outgoing **

Oct-23-201020:00 0:00:25 9512512102 Incoming **

Oct-23-201020:08 0:00:39 9512591732 Outgoing

Oct-23-201020:43 0:00:27 7144990829 Outgoing **

Oct-23-201020:43 0:00:27 7144990829 Outgoing **

Oct-23-201020:43 0:00:24 9512512102 Incoming **

Oct-23-201020:43 0:00:08 9512512102 Incoming **

Weird. Some calls happen at the same time but from/to a different number. What did MetroPCS tell you about this?

Yes, there were multiple flip phones sold by MetroPCS back at 2010. Yeah, noticed the pattern. If I were you, I'd ask for a copy of call logs on that period of time. This is just to make sure they give me the same logs so as to not think that those logs you posted are not mistakes/errors.


thanks for looking at my question. I had exported the call detail from this line on my account at the time to excel spreadsheet. The 714 numbers dialed never showed up on the phones call log either, nor did the incoming call they generated.  There is always 2 outgoing calls made to the same 714 number followed by either 1 or 2 incoming calls to my number. I identified this as a pattern because the calls are always at the same exact time and the same duration, - a few seconds on the incoming call. i was thinking maybe its when the internet was accessed, it was an old flip phone, but the 714 numbers hadn't always appeared.  metro couldn't answer what they were when i called and asked them.  perhaps it was an outside application used to make phone calls, but did they have those on a flip phone from 2010?

Hmm.. I'm thinking they may be telemarketers or scam calls that are blocked. How did you find this log? Maybe MetroPCS blocked those calls. But looking at those, it looks like you made the call.

Not the answer you were looking for?